Jolly Rancher Sour Gummies

Sour chewing gum bottles LSD Candy


LSD Microdose Mints

microdosing pilze
1t lsd

LSD Tabs

15,00 40,00 

LSD Tabs

15,00 40,00 

(5 customer reviews)


1t lsd

LSD, or lysergic acid diethylamide is a potent hallucinogenic drug that alters an individual’s perception, thoughts, and emotions. LSD is usually taken orally in the form of a tiny, paper tab infused with the drug. Often referred to as “acid,” the effects of LSD include sensory and visual hallucinations, increased creativity, and a heightened sense of awareness. 1t lsd

Originally discovered in the early twentieth century, LSD gained notoriety in the 1960s as part of the counter-culture movement. It has since remained popular among those seeking a spiritual or transformative experience, often used during music festivals, raves, and other group gatherings.

While LSD is not physically addictive, its effects can be emotionally and mentally challenging. It is important to take precautionary measures, such as testing the substance’s purity, before use. Also, it should only be taken in a safe and comfortable environment, and with a trusted and experienced individual.

LSD has been researched for its potential therapeutic benefits, such as aiding those with anxiety or depression.

In conclusion, LSD tabs offer a unique and intense journey into the psychedelic experience but come with significant risks. As with any drug, it is important to weigh the potential benefits against the consequences and to approach LSD with caution and responsibility.

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1 Tab, 4 Tab

Reviews (5)

5 reviews for LSD Tabs

  1. Maxinrez

    Greta potential, ego dissolver, my life was change and never be as before. My life is one level high than before

  2. Will ite

    Compared to 1V and 1D, 1S has a very long onset time and fewer visuals as well. However, 300 mcg of 1S helped me to finally achieve ego death after years of research. 10/10

  3. Rebec Wall

    Good quality

  4. Catherine Mitchell

    Good product, everyone become more attractive

  5. Vicki man

    Good product quality, its effect was quite short with an intense peak. Excellent custom service, kind people and fast response.

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