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4 Aco Dmt Kaufen

4-Aco-DMT (10g)


4-Aco-DMT (10g)




4 Aco Dmt Kaufen

4-Aco-DMT is a synthetic substance that belongs to a class of compounds known as tryptamines. Tryptamines are commonly found in natural sources like mushrooms and plants, including ayahuasca. 4-Aco-DMT is known to be a prodrug of psilocin, which is a psychedelic compound that is found in many species of mushrooms. This means that 4-Aco-DMT is metabolized in the body to produce psilocin, which is responsible for its psychoactive effects.4 Aco Dmt Kaufen

The molecular structure of 4-Aco-DMT is similar to that of psilocybin, which is why it is often compared to magic mushrooms. However, unlike mushrooms, the dosages of 4-Aco-DMT can be more accurately controlled and the substance is generally considered to be more consistent in potency and effect. 4 Aco Dmt Kaufen

4-Aco-DMT has been shown to have similar effects to psilocybin and other psychedelics, including altered thinking, feelings of euphoria, altered perception of time, and visual and auditory hallucinations. It is important to note that these effects can be unpredictable and that the substance should only be used in a safe and controlled environment under the guidance of a qualified professional. 4 Aco Dmt Kaufen

Overall, 4-Aco-DMT is an interesting and potentially useful substance for scientific research and therapeutic applications. However, it should only be used in a responsible and informed manner by individuals who are equipped to handle its effects.

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